Get Free Access to SAP HANA Cloud Platform

In this article we will learn how to create your free trial account on SAP HANA Cloud and how to configure development tools.

SAP HANA Cloud Platform – Trial Instance:

SAP provides a trial instance of HANA Cloud. This can be used for learning purpose. There are 2 types of registrations possible in this trial instance.

If you have an SAP ID, SCN ID or SMP user:
  1. Go to SAP HANA Cloud Platform Landing Page.
  2. Click Log On and sign in with your SAP ID or SCN credentials.
  3. On the welcome page, click Continue to complete the account creation process and launch the cockpit. The cockpit opens and shows the account dashboard of your newly created developer account.


If you don’t have an SAP ID, SCN ID or SMP user:
  1. Go to SAP HANA Cloud Platform Landing Page.
  2. Click Register and enter the required data and confirm by clicking Register.
  3. You’ll receive an e-mail with an account activation link after registration.
  4. Follow the instructions in email to activate your developer account.
  5. On the welcome page, click Continue to complete the account creation process and launch the cockpit. The cockpit opens and shows the account dashboard of your newly created developer account.
Finally you will be able to access HANA Cloud Platform Cockpit as shown below:
Limitations on SAP HANA Trial Instance:
A trial SAP HANA instance provides you with a shared database instance, allowing you to work with SAP HANA in a managed environment. Due to restrictions in place to ensure user and data isolation, developers have limited access rights. For instance, certain system-wide or administrative features are not available. SAP provides limited support and service for trial instance.
However, the trial instance is sufficient for learning purpose.
Important points on SAP HANA Cloud Platform Cockpit:
Account Dashboard:
Select “Account Dashboard” from the left menu. This will show the Display Name and Account ID.
Account ID will be further used to connect HANA Cloud system from HANA Studio.
Select “Resources” from left menu. This shows the details of resources assigned to this account. For example by default we are provided with 1.02 GB disk space.
HANA Instance: 
Select “HANA Instance” from left menu. This shows all the HANA instance in this cloud. First time you will get a message like:
“You do not have any HANA XS applications yet”.
You can create one trial SAP HANA instance per account. A trial instance is equivalent to a database schema with the database property HANA XS. Trial instances are also listed under Databases & Schemas in the cockpit.
Create a trial SAP HANA Instance:
As explained above, we need a trial SAP HANA instance to start development.
  1. Steps to create a trial HANA instance:
  2. Select “HANA Instances” from left side.
  3. click “New Trial Instance”.
  4. Enter instance name and click on “Save”.